Information Regarding Payment

HomePatients VisitorsInformation Regarding Payment

Patients should contact their health fund directly to ensure that they are covered find out if there is an out of pocket cost (most members will have an excess with their health fund).
Your excess is determined by the agreement you make with your health fund. It is the patient's responsibility to know your excess amount and pay this on the day if applicable. 

Contracted Health Funds

We have agreements with all major health funds. 
If you are unsure whether your health fund is contracted with us, please contact us. or phone 02 6041 1511 

Information regarding Informed Financial consent 

A copy of the IFC will be provided to you either prior to or on the day of your procedure. By Signing the IFC document you agree to the terms listed on the Informed Financial Consent 

To see a copy of our Informed Financial Consent click Here 

Uninsured Patients 

Uninsured patients will need to obtain a quote from us for their procedure, this may be requested by the treating doctors rooms or the patient directly. Item numbers are needed for this quote. 

Patients are responsible for accounts from other providers

You are responsible for payment of other accounts you may receive, which may include:

If you are unsure what services you may receive during your stay and wish to know what accounts you may receive, please contact your treating doctor to discuss this. 

Please Note:
If your health fund is non-contracted a fee will apply on top of any excess or co-payment.
Payment for all procedures must be made prior to or on the day of admission. 

The Australian Private Hospitals Association has created a new brochure for patients encouraging them to check their health fund cover before admission. Recent media reports have highlighted cases where health funds have not covered patients, especially those needing plastic surgery.

You can access the brochure here.