The Albury Day surgery is committed to providing high quality healthcare. We pride ourselves on creating both a safe and caring environment for patients, staff, visitors and VMO's.
Albury Day Surgery's approach to the 8 National Safety & Quality Health Service standards (NSQHS):
1. Clinical Governance
We gather data across our facility to improve both safety and effectiveness.
Delivering quality patient focused healthcare is a priority. We use clinical Governance systems to maintain, monitor and improve safety
and quality across the board.
2. Partnering with Consumers
ADS partner with patients/consumers in a number of different ways to better deliver quality healthcare and help to guarantee positive
patient outcomes. We survey patients and encourage feedback from patients, staff and VMO's so that we can better our level of care and
continue making improvements where needed. To find out more about how we partner with consumers follow this link.
3. Preventing & Controlling Infections
We put in proactive measures for infection prevention and hand hygiene. We have policies and procedures in place to ensure these
preventions are effective and maintain high compliance rates for hand hygiene. The cleanliness of our facility is held to a high standard
and consistently monitored. For more information regarding Hand Hygiene compliance see link here.
4. Medication Safety
Accurately and safely prescribing and administering the appropriate medicine to patients and monitoring medicine use is a mandatory
standard at Albury Day Surgery. Our clinicians’ duty of care ensures patients and consumers are informed and understand their individual
medical needs, and risks.Prior to admission a patient’s best possible medication history along with full disclosure of their
medical history, current medications, allergies and adverse drug reactions. Our nurses ensure patients are discharged with all the
necessary information including scripts to care for themselves once they leave our facility.
5. Comprehensive Care
We have several screening and assessment processes to identify potential risks
that could be associated with the delivery of healthcare for our patients. Patients, carers and families are consulted as part of
this process to develop comprehensive care plans. If a patient is at risk our staff and clinicians will deliver targeted,
best-practice strategies to prevent incidents occurring. Comprehensive care are standards all staff and clinicians abide by.
6. Communicating for Safety
One of the best ways we support coordinated and safe patient care as well as visitor and workforce safety is through effective communication
and documentation. Effective communication and documentation help to navigate high-risk situations and manage patient safety.
ADS has processes in place to identify patients, match care to their needs, and appropriately manage clinical handovers when
information about a patient’s care emerges or changes.
7. Blood Management
ADS manages blood on an infrequent basis given the nature of our surgery and specialities. When
required, we use a combination of clinical governance and quality improvement systems to appropriately manage a patient’s own blood, as well
as any blood or blood products. Safety systems are in place and every care is taken to ensure safe and effective blood
8. Recognising & Responding to Acute Deterioration
ADS have a duty of care to recognise and promptly
respond to changes in a person’s physiological, cognitive or mental state, otherwise known as acute deterioration. Providing patients with
appropriate and prompt care is part of our response system when acute deterioration is identified. We recognise early detection
is critical and we have a highly skilled health care team who are trained to recognise these signs and symptoms.